

Happy faces among the colleagues at Datacadabra, we are fully engaged in development. In this organized chaos, we are working towards a clear goal, with a creative path towards it. That is how the most innovative products are created.

Fully engaged in development

Artificial intelligence is used as a tool to take practical steps to provide solutions to broad social issues. In this case, it involves the development of the MOWHAWK, which is being developed based on a request from the Province of Overijssel. It is a computer vision application for on roadside mowers. It instructs the driver to mow in a nature-friendly way and obtains insight into the state of biodiversity and quality of the grass clippings. In short, nature-inclusive roadside management is made possible with artificial intelligence.


These kinds of development journeys are great journeys. A tremendous amount is learned along the way by trying and evaluating. 'Learning' should be the mindset of the team. This can be done by being flexible, experimenting, prototyping and testing them in the real world. Datacadabra believes that this outlook and attitude helps it innovate and adapt quickly to changing circumstances. In this fast-moving world, these are important factors in making your organization a market leader.


Should you also be looking for practical, innovative solutions to issues, contact Datacadabra. Then we can work together.